Chris Haddad Is Now Partner

Suyama Peterson Deguchi announces the promotion of architect Chris Haddad to Partner. Haddad joins partners George Suyama, FAIA, Ric Peterson, FAIA, and Jay Deguchi, AIA, in firm leadership.

Haddad became a firm employee in 1997 and has played an instrumental role in the design and execution of several of Suyama Peterson Deguchi’s esteemed residential and commercial projects. Those include the Broadmoor Residence, upon which the American Institute of Architects has bestowed two Honor Awards, as well as homes located in Medina, Wash., Washington state’s Kitsap Peninsula, Sonoma, Calif., and this year’s Montana Ranch House, among others. Most recently, Haddad’s design in collaboration with George Suyama of a 4,000 square foot home in Palo Alto, Calif., will be completed in early 2015.

Haddad is also an esteemed sculptor whose work—most often in metal—has exhibited in many galleries and is featured in private collections nationally. His pieces are currently available at Suyama Peterson Deguchi’s furniture and accessories retail shop and showroom, 3 x 10, which is co-located with the firm’s architectural studio. More information about his art is found at

A native of Massachusetts, Haddad was introduced to metalworking while studying sculpture and drawing at Colby College in Maine. He later completed a Masters of Architecture degree at Syracuse University. His art and architecture inform one another.